Female, 33 / Constipation


Constipation, Bloating, Hormones Dysregulation


A 33-year-old woman had been experiencing chronic bloating and excessive burping following each meal. These symptoms were accompanied by severe brain fog and fatigue. Her bowel movements were infrequent, occurring only once every three days, and she consistently felt as though she had not completely evacuated her bowels. She was experiencing frequent sharp, stabbing abdominal pain and a persistent gurgling sensation. She was also experiencing fluid retention, tender breast and mood swings as a result of high cortisol, high estrogen and low levels of progesterone.


A microbiome map identified signs of leaky gut, high inflammation and low beneficial gut flora. It also identified gluten as a big contributing factor and her detox pathways (glucuronidation pathway) was compromised, giving rise to her inability to clear out excess hormones. We implemented a 5 month protocol that aimed to address all of the above. First of all, we got her bowels moving through targeted supplements and diet changes. We then moved improved her elimination pathways to support the clearance of hormones from the body.


In just one month, her bowel motions improved dramatically, which left her feeling fully relieved. Once her bowel movements improved, her issues with gas, bloating, and sharp abdominal pain disappeared. She continues to maintain this healthy daily bowel routine and has discontinued the use of any supplements for bowel regularity. While we’re still in the process of balancing her hormones, recent blood tests have shown a significant improvement in her hormone levels.

“Greta has literally transformed my quality of life by looking at and helping with my digestion. I came to her bloated, constipated and with my whole life revolving around my digestion. Within 3 months, things had transformed. My bowel movements are now regular, bloating is much less and I see my hormones balancing. She is incredible at what she does.”


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