Female, 31 / Bloating


Constipation, Bloating, Acne


We worked closely with a young female who suffered from constipation. She was only passing every 2-3 days and felt extremely incomplete and unsatisfied. The only thing that would help things move was coffee and a cigarette. Additionally, she had terrible bloating when she woke in the morning and throughout the day, along with a lot of trapped gas in the stomach. She had also battled with acne breakouts since she was 15 years old and still had flareups on a regular basis.


Our main focus was to identify the functional health of the gut and to get the bowels moving. A microbiome map identified high gut permeability (‘leaky gut’), bacterial and fungal overgrowths and low levels of beneficial bacteria. To help correct this and get her gut in a better place, we titrated different motility agents to the right dose to get her bowels moving. We also put her through a 5-month gut protocol targeting the map results, which included specific supplements, diet therapy and lifestyle modification.


6 months later she is now having complete daily bowel motions without being dependent on coffee or a cigarette. She has given up smoking altogether and is on an amazing path forward, focusing on her health. Her bloating has completely disappeared, and her acne is non-existent. She has changed paths and is on a beautiful preconception journey in the healthiest state she has ever been.

“After a years of struggling with skin issues, fatigue, irregular bowel movements and bloating I turned to Greta and I am so grateful I did! My journey with Greta has honestly been life changing! Not only is my skin the clearest and healthiest it has been since I was 15 (now 31) I feel great, I have so much more energy and my gut is finally healing! Forever grateful for Greta, her amazing knowledge and beautiful personality!!!”


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